In January 2019, the public defence of PhD dissertation of Dr. Milos Brankovic on Heart-Kidney Interactions and their temporal relationshipstook place at Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, in Rotterdam.

In his thesis, Dr. Brankovic has presented new findings on heart-kidney interac­tions with particular focus on their temporal aspects. The understanding of the interactions between the heart and the kidneys is funda­mental to achieve proper assessment and management of patients in whom both organ systems are affected. For this purpose, Dr. Brankovic has studied several aspects of kidney functioning in a wide spectrum of at-risk populations such as patients with heart failure (HF) including those with acute HF, chronic HF, and end-stage HF, and patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) at different stages of their disease. The main objective of his work was to identify and quantify new signals along the heart-kidney axis that precede and relate to adverse clinical outcomes, but also to place these new findings in the context of improvement of a patient’s risk assess­ment and management.

In the video, you will see why is this subject important, what were the objectives of his research, how did he assess temporal relationships between the heart and the kidneys, in whom he assessed them; what were the key results, and what are future directions. These slides were presented during the introductory speech at the PhD ceremony.

To find out more about the results of his thesis go to the book App.

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